How To Calm Your Fragile Mind
Finding freedom from negative thoughts
Award-winning podcasters and personal development
coaches, Shann and Ananga guide you through the wisdom
teachings of Ayurveda and practical exercises that will help you calm your mind.
- How to use your senses to calm your mind
- The Emotional Stress Release Technique to help you find relief from unwanted thoughts
- A guided EFT Tapping Practice for honoring your emotions
- PLUS a Guided Ayurvedic Meditation for finding peace in the present moment
Why How to Calm Your Fragile Mind?
The name of this course is inspired by a teaching from Ayurveda (India’s ancient science of living a long and happy life) that the mind is delicate and easily disturbed. This isn’t seen as a sign of weakness, but as an understanding that our very thinking equipment needs our support and care. You will find teachings and techniques to help you offer that care and support and strengthen your mind in this course.
What will I learn?
- That you are so much more than your mind and your painful thoughts
- Why resisting negative thoughts causes further pain
- How you can begin releasing negative thoughts and experience greater peace
- Ayurveda's guidance on the nature of the mind and how to begin to calm it
- How to enter into a state of passive awareness where thoughts don't upset your emotions
- A simple breathing practice to steady your mind when unwanted thoughts arise
- The importance of creating space to let your mind rest
- The power of taking your first step in taming your mind
- Why your mind is like an unruly toddler and how getting firm and clear helps
- Wisdom teachings on letting thoughts ripen and fade
- An ancient practice for witnessing your thoughts and finding peace of mind
Your Instructor
This course is brought to you by Shann & Ananga, hosts of the award-winning Anxiety Slayer™ podcast.
Overflowing with our combined experience in Life Coaching, Yoga, Ayurveda, NLP, Relaxation Hypnosis, and EFT Tapping, plus years of experience and a real passion for what we do - we share our favorite techniques, tips, and resources to help you shake yourself free from anxiety.
Give us 5 minutes and we'll give you a calmer mind.
Course Curriculum
Frequently Asked Questions
This course has helped me understand my thoughts and mind and feel greater peace and compassion for myself. I wish I had found these teachings years ago. Thank you for helping me find more peace.
- Susan
I listened to a sample of How to Calm Your Fragile Mind. I cried. I cried because it made more sense than any medical practitioner I’ve met in my 38 years. Your words instantly helped. Thank you.
- Nadene